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The "Jesteś Głos Contemporary Artists Cooperative" Foundation is pleased to present a proposal for cooperation in the implementation of an innovative artistic project. Our proposal includes creating a joint performative spectacle, involving both the Polish community living in a given country and local residents.

Project Purpose

The aim of the project is integration and cultural exchange between the Polish diaspora and the local community through joint creation of art. The project also aims to develop participants' artistic skills, strengthen their self-confidence and personal value.

Project Scope

1. Workshops:

  • Duration: 5 days

  • Daily duration: 4 hours

  • Number of participants: 12-15 people (including members of the Polish community and local residents)

  • Type of workshop:

- Performance

- Development of human values

-Boosting self-confidence

2. Final Performance:

  • Duration: 1 hour

  • Place: A stage with a ballet floor and the possibility of presenting a film on a projector

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Foundation's offer

The "You're Everything Contemporary Artists Cooperative" Foundation offers:

  • The ready script for the performance.

  • Professional directing.

  • Music for performance

  • Conducting workshops by experienced specialists.

Support from the host institution

We need:

  • Providing space for conducting workshops and the final show

  • Advertising and promotion of the event.

  • Grant to cover project costs

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Benefits for hosts:

Aktywizacja społeczności polskiej za granicą:

  • Budowanie wzięzi społecznych i nawiązywanie nowych znajomości,  zarówno na poziomie lokalnym, jak i międzynarodowym.

Wzmacnianie międzynarodowej współpracy kulturalnej:

  • Uczestnicy będą mieli okazję do interakcji z osobami z różnych środowisk kulturowych, co sprzyja wzajemnemu zrozumieniu, wymianie doświadczeń i wzmocnieniu akceptacji różnic.

Promowanie polskiej kultury, sztuki i polskiego języka:

  • Umocnienie pozytywnego wizerunku Polski na arenie międzynarodowej jako kraju z bogata ofertą sztuki nowoczesnej i performatywnej

  • Promocja języka polskiego arenie międzynarodowej poprzez sztukę i spektakl, które prezentują bogactwo polskiej kultury i literatury szerokiej publiczności.

Wzbogacenie oferty kulturalnej instytucji o unikalne wydarzenie artystyczne.

  • Pozytywny wpływ na zdrowie psychiczne, redukcja stresu i poczucie izolacji w grupie, ogólna poprawa samopoczucia.

  • Poprawy kondycji fizycznej uczestników.

  • Rozwój umiejętności w zakresie świadomości ciała, improwizacji oraz performansu.

  • Rozwój kreatywności i ekspresji artystycznej.

  • Zwiększenie pewności siebie i przełamywanie barier psychologicznych.

Korzyści uczestników przedsięwzięcia:
Benefits for the artistic foundation organizing the performance:

Development and promotion of the foundation

  • Recognition: Organizing international workshops and performances increases the foundation's recognition in Poland and abroad.

  • Brand building: Such projects contribute to building a strong brand and reputation of the foundation as an institution committed to promoting art and culture.

Acquiring partners and sponsors

  • Increased opportunities for cooperation: An international project can attract new partners and sponsors who want to support interesting cultural initiatives.

  • Financing: Increasing the foundation's visibility may lead to obtaining additional financial resources for further projects and business development.

Implementation of mission and goals

  • Implementation of statutory objectives: The project allows the foundation to implement its statutory objectives related to the promotion of art, artistic education and social integration.

  • Innovation: Organizing performative movement experiments is part of a modern and innovative approach to art, which may attract the attention of the media and art critics.

We find inspiration at every step

You are everything Contemporary Artists' Cooperative is more than just a foundation. It is an open concept that brings together people with different talents, passions and visions who together create original and unique works of performative art.


The initiator and driving force of this unique venture is Kaspian Jakub Rezler. His dream of uniting various forms of artistic expression became a reality thanks to cooperation with the Polish Dance Theater in Poznań.

Creative Diversity

There is no room for limitations here. The foundation consists of various personalities representing fields such as dance, music, photography, film, literature and many others. It is not a permanent, closed group, and the diversity of participants fuels creativity and leads to the implementation of various projects.

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This performance is an experience, a reminder and a promise.

Are you ready to rediscover yourself?

The performative experiment "You are everything... a thing about non-obviousness" is a celebration and reminder of the three pillars of relationships - honesty, non-judgment and support. It is not only a spectacle, but also an invitation to an open, authentic space where every viewer can be themselves, fully, without reservations and without fear of judgment.

"You are everything... a thing about non-obviousness" is the beginning of a journey deep into yourself, where non-obviousness is not a barrier, but the key. This is an opportunity to discover that man is everything that is obvious, and even more so that is not obvious.

With this unique creation, we remind the participants of the performance that they are valuable in themselves. In a world where looking for confirmation of your value in something external seems completely futile, we focus our full attention on the individual. Together we will discover what is known and what is hidden in our own existence.

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In "You are everything... a thing about non-obviousness" we invite you to discover extraordinary body language, a unique look, original emotions, a unique you.

Creators and producers:

Direction, text, light and sound direction: Kaspian Jakub Rezler

Dramaturgy: Katia Shahoika

Choreography: Katia Shahoika, Kaspian Jakub Rezler

Music: Ula Sobol

Videoart: Katia Shahoika

Costumes: Bartosz Strojny, Katia Shahoika

Production: Fundacja You are everything Contemporart Artists' Cooperation

Co-production: Polish Dance Theater


director, founder of the foundation, dancer

#optimism #love of life and people #with eternal laughter

#extent #warmth #creativity #unique #crazy

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vice-president of the foundation, producer and dancer

#warmth #freedom #pleasure #joy of life #good

#no limits #madness #spontaneity


Kaspian Jakub Rezler tel: 515 436 138


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Contemporary Artists' Cooperative

Unites us Polish Dance Teatr 

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